6 Things For All Company Letterheads

What specifics must a company letterhead include? Some go above and beyond, and others need just the basics. Here are some starting points to be sure to include.

  • Company Logo

  • Legal Business Name

  • Physical Address

  • Contact information | Phone number, Fax Number and Email Address

  • Company Website

  • Registration or licensing numbers

A few things to keep in mind as you are designing your letterheads.

  • Keep consistent with your brand, use the same logos, colors and font styles used in your Business Cards, Envelopes and Scratch Pads.

  • Find Contrast. Try to incorporate your brands colors beyond just your logo. Use complementary colors.

  • Keep your logo at the top of the letter. It may be tempting to be creative here but this is a pretty standard expectation.

  • Don’t be too busy with your design in the background. Full color backgrounds can be tempting, as long as you don’t distract from the important information. Be sure to use white lettering with dark backgrounds. Don’t be afraid to thicken your font.


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